Thursday, March 02, 2006


One of the ways we understand the meaning of Biblical submission is to look at the way the original word that is translated "submit" in the text, Ephesians 5:22-23, is translated in other texts of Scripture. The ancient translators who translated the Old Testament from Hebrew to Greek used the word found in our text to translate Psalm 37:7 and Psalm 62:1,5. Catherine Clark Kroeger, PhD, comments on the use of the word in these Scriptures, "hupatasso is employed to translate a Hebrew verb that signifies listening responsively in an attitude of expectancy. In line with this understanding, The Message renders hupatasso in 1 Peter 3:1 'Be good wives to your husbands, responsive to their needs'" (Christian Counseling Today, 2005 vol. 13 no. 3).

Submission and obedience are not synonyms. Children and slaves are told to obey (hupakauo), but wives are commanded to "be subject" (hupatasso) ". . .to demonstrate loyalty and support rather than subterfuge"(Kroeger). Submissive wives are wives that are loyal to their husbands. Prior to marriage, one of the tasks for a potential wife is to find out if the aims and goals of this guy are aims and goals she shares and can be loyal to. Certainly, a submissive wife will not undermine her husband. When a wife runs up huge credit-card debt unknown to her husband, or is financially irresponsible, she is guilty of an infidelity fully as destructive to the marriage as an affair. This cannot be justified by the lack of the husband's income or the lack of available money she has to spend. It is a problem that needs to be worked out between the two of them, perhaps with the help of a counselor (I'm always trying to generate business).

A submissive wife is a woman who works at understanding her husband so that she can be responsive to his needs. Men are not to complicated. If some basic needs are met they are generally pretty easy to get along with. Good food, good lovin' and general affirmation, at least 5 compliments to every 1 criticism, and they will do well for the most part. A submissive wife will be loyal to the aims and goals of he husband unless those aims and goals violate the will of God. She will not undermine her husband.

What about the husbands!? Tomorrow.

Grace & Peace;

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