Monday, March 13, 2006


God has offered us a gift beyond the ability of words to communicate its value; the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ. There are some who do not accept it because they believe they have sinned too much. "If you really know how bad I am you would never care about me and certainly God could never forgive me" is the response a number of people give to those who share the Good News about the offer of salvation in Jesus Christ. But the Scripture is clear, the blood of Jesus cleanses from all sin. For those who believe in Him, change their thinking about who comes first in life's choices, and are baptized, forgiveness of sin, the Holy Spirit and salvation are freely offered (Acts 2:38). The first danger is to believe you have sinned too much for God to love you and to be saved.

The second danger is to believe that you are a good person, "I'm as good as anyone who goes to church. If they are going to heave, I will too." There are many unbelievers out there who are good people; maybe even better people than the ones in church. The truth is, though, that those in church know that they are sinners in need of redemption and seek the will of the Savior; those outside of Christ do not.

Which is the more dangerous of the two dangers? To believe you are good enough by your own merits and therefore never seek the pardon that is freely offered in Christ Jesus. Granted, some people are better than others. By social necessity, some have to be in jails and institutions. The truth is, however, that ALL have sinned and fallen short of God's standard of righteousness (Romans 3:21-26). We ALL stand before God in equal need of His Grace.

Grace & Peace;

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