Thursday, March 23, 2006


From research we have learned two things: emotions can effect body chemistry and body chemistry can effect emotions. For example, perceived danger causes the body to produce more adrenaline (epinephrine), which prepares the body for fight or flight, or, a malfunctioning thyroid gland can be a cause for depression.

God created us, but in some ways we are co creators of our selves. Those who believe in organic diets often use the phrase, "we are what we eat." What is even truer is that we are what we believe, or we are what we think, because our thoughts and beliefs can change our body chemistry, resulting in health or disease. Our bodies are naturally subject to disease; so much of human behavior can be attributed to diseased bodies. True mental illness results from a body that isn't functioning properly.. By far, however, dysfunctional behavior, otherwise known as sin, begins in our thoughts.

Our bodies are not immortal. They are subject to disease, decay and death. The best maintenance for our personal lives is faith in Christ because pure thoughts, true beliefs, as opposed to deceitful beliefs, and a legitimate hope result in properly stressed and healthful lives.

". . .Lord, I believe;help thou mine unbelief" (Mark 9:24 kjv).

Grace & Peace;

p.s. Sorry I didn't talk about chickens or eggs

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