Monday, March 20, 2006


Unbelievable! Spring is here already, though I have shoveled a lot of first-day-of-spring, it's nice that it is here! That means my life will become much more complicated and busy for a couple of months. Preparing machinery for the field; doing the list minute planning for application of fertilizers, herbicide and insecticides; doing the actual work of soil preparation and planting will mean that I will have to get up earlier and stay up later for a while. I'm saying this because I do not know if I will be able to post on a daily basis until the crop is in the ground, but I will try.

Another matter that is on my plate is a proposed building project for the church of which I am a member and president of the board. The building proposal is a gymnasium and classroom addition that will also have restrooms and a kitchen. We believe this to be an important tool for evangelism in a community of 700 that has no gym. Sutherland is a part of the South O'Brien school district that continues to experience declining enrollment. Nevertheless, there are still significant numbers of people who are unchurched and unsaved in the immediate area. We want to have a tool that will help us to reach them. The cost of that tool is $300,000. For a church of 100 people of modest incomes, it seems like an impossibility. We do serve a God that makes the impossible possible and can bring together the resources to make this happen. There is a reader of this blog who could write a check for the whole thing. May the Lord touch his heart to do half that.

This project has to be brought to a congregational vote on April 9th. We have a congregational informational meeting March 26th. This week I have to prepare for that meeting. I would appreciate your prayer support for me, and the church, in this matter.

"With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26).

Grace & Peace;

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