Friday, February 10, 2006


I found this blurb in "Psychology Today" that was interesting to me because both Helen and I have had to deal with Asperger's Syndrome in our work.

"Buried deep inside your skull are special brain cells that read the minds of others and know their intentions. Dubbed mirror neurons, these cells fire in response to the 'reflection' of another person, Whether you lift your coffee cup or watch you coworker lift his, the neurons respond to both actions as if they were the same. Neuroscientists believe these cells are what allow humans . . . to feel empathy and compassion to others.

A new study by researchers at the University of California, San Diego, now links improper function of these tiny cells to a mild form of autism known as Asperger's syndrome. A brain imaging study of 10 autistic boys found their mirror neurons fail to fire in response to the movements of another person.

Autism is a brain disorder characterized by deficits in social interaction and communication skills."

People with A.S. are mostly male. They can be very intelligent and verbal but social interactions are very difficult for them. As a good basketball shooter has "touch" and a poor one just throws the ball at the hoop, when it comes to social interaction, the person with A.S. has no touch. Finding and keeping employment is very difficult for them. What is important for them is to persevere and work at developing people-pleasing traits as much as possible. Over time the coping skills will increase and life becomes a little easier. All the Lord requires from us is to make the most of what we have.

Grace & Peace;

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