Thursday, February 16, 2006

REVEALING: What Your Desk Says About You

What does your desk and office space say bout you? In my counseling office I always keep a bowl of Hersey's Kisses on the desk and a pot of coffee brewing in the corner table. It beckons social interaction. It says this is homey and safe. If you have a well-nurtured plant in your office space it says, you have roots and you plan to stay. Surprisingly, family photos might not communicate closeness, but could be only a status symbol. It depends on how the photos are placed. If placed for the predominate view of a visitor, it's a status symbol. Inspirational and motivational plaques say, "This guy is into his job." A neat desk communicates that you are an organized person. It is very difficult for a disorganized person to disguise this. Their desk seems to always betray them. An empty desk is a communicator of a lack of commitment. Make sure you have lots of different kinds of books and magazines in the office. It communicates openness.

So take a look at your desk and office. What does it say about you?

Grace and Peace;

*These thoughts were inspired by an article in "Psychology Today;" August 2005.

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