Friday, February 10, 2006

". . . and to self-control, perseverance. . ." (II Peter 1:6). Peter's stair steps of virtues continues with perseverance. Perseverance is the stick-to-itivness that is required to succeed in the Christian life. It is what one might call "true grit." It is a common trait found in successful people. It's keeping on going when one would like to quit. It's getting one's self out of bed in the morning and facing the day when it would be easier to stay in bed and hide from the world. The Lord promised that he would be with us, and that is one of the promises we can cling to as we get up and face the day, and live up to our responsibilities. What precedes perseverance on the stair steps of virtue? Self-control! It is a requisite for perseverance.

I'll come back to self-control at other times in the future because there is much more to be written. Tomorrow I have a blurb about Asperger's disorder.

Grace & Peace;

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