Wednesday, January 02, 2013


Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men, but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil (Ephesians 5:15-16).

It is important to start off the new year with a resolution to make the most of the time you have, after all, we only have a limited amount of it before we die.  According to the cited Scripture text, not only are we to make the most of the time we are given, we are to buy-up time, or to rescue time for good use because the days are evil.  So here are my 6 ways to buy-up, rescue or make time so that it can be put to proper use*:  1.  Get an education.  I believe in life-long learning, so the process never ends as long as we can draw a cognizant breath.  True education is not is not cheap, but it does free time for its best use.

2.  Eat right, exercise and get proper amounts of sleep.  In other words, do the things that make for good physical health.  Though we do not have complete control of our health, there are many physical and mental health problems  that can arise because we do not take proper care of ourselves.  How many opportunities are wasted because of poor health!

3.  Seek salvation in Jesus Christ.  Salvation is wholeness.  It is finding comfort in your relationship to God, in human relationships and eyes to see the things that are really important so that time is not wasted on lessor things.  These few lines from a prayer attributed to Francis of Asissi are appropriate here: For it is in giving that we receive,  It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,  It is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

4.  Take a risk.  Though this might seem to be contradictory to #2 because risks are dangerous, sometimes there are no opportunities if there is no risk-taking.  I know doing the Lord's work is not safe because we are in spiritual combat against the world.  According to Jesus, in the parable of the talents, the servant who refused to take a risk was called, "wicked."

5.  Pray.  God is the God of all time, past, present and future.  He is the only One capable of time travel.  When situations seem to be impossible, He is the only one who can make them possible.  Our Father answers the prayers of His children in ways that we do not expect.  To make time we need God, our Father's, help!

6.  Honest self-examination.  To make time we need to understand what it is about we, ourselves, that is hindering us.  There is nothing more time wasting as pet sins of which we keep dragging around; as well as bad habits.  You have got to do some honest personal housecleaning!

Our Father's Blessings,

*These are not necessarily in proper order and there might be some of which I have not thought.  You are welcome to suggest more if you like. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dr. Steele,

All you really needed to say is that you need to get organized, work harder and pray harder.

Sorry about those puney hawkeyes that couldn't even make the breakfast bowl.