Friday, January 11, 2013


For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven (Ecclesiastes 3:1).

Here we are, almost to the middle of January 2013 and I am just trying to put 2012 into perspective.  I made a resolution to quite procrastinating, but that will have to wait until next month.  It must be noted that 2012 was one of the most eventful years of Helen's and my married lives.  More could be written, but what follows are some of the most salient:

1.  Helen's dad, Charles Huff passed away and he is greatly missed.  A genuine war hero, elder in the church, youth leader, scout leader in about every capacity from volunteer to executive, active in community service organizations he was an inspiration and a former of character in the lives of a lot of people.  Charles was a servant of Jesus Christ so we know that, according to God's promise, he is waiting and watching for us to join him in heaven.

2. Daughter Rebecca, husband, Kirk, grandchildren, Faith, Deacon and Parker moved from Ceres, California to Indianola, Iowa.  They are much closer and easier to visit--what a blessing!!!

3.  This spring our family grew a little when the best dog I ever had joined us.  His name is now Scoobie, a pit bull.  He is faithful, gentle.  He just appeared on our farm one early spring morning.  We do not know where he came from, but he has been a joy to have around.

4.  This year Helen has experienced a great deal of success with weight loss, so much so that if you have not seen her in a year you would be amazed.  She is even more the "lovely and gracious Helen."

5.  New siding and a new roof were installed on the house.  The dust from a heavily traveled gravel road would not allow the paint to stick, but now I think we are done with painting for good.

6.  We moved my mother from her lake-side house to the Willoway Heights Apartments.  She is 93.

7.  Tom has experienced some significant health issues this last year so he reconditioned a bike and rides every day.  I don't know if I will live longer, but hopefully, I will be able to get the most out of every day that I can.

8.  2012 was the year of the big drought.  It has been more than 50 years since we had a drought like this.  I hope we do not have a drought 2 years in a row!

9.  Tom bought a Mustang convertible.  It is a vintage "7Up" Mustang, 1990 5.0.  The pipes are the best music this side of heaven.

10. Of least importance, Tom turned 65 and went on Medicare.  That is a whole education in itself.

2013 will bring more significant events, a couple of them will happen soon, but I will save them for next year's letter.  Helen and I are doing well and doing our best to enjoy each moment the Lord gives us.  The older we get, the more precious each moment is.

Our Father's Love,
Tom & Helen Steele

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