Monday, June 19, 2006


These days it seems as if prayer is getting a lot of attention from researchers. "More than half of those who responded to a Stanford University Medical Center poll say they use prayer to control pain. Of those 90% say it worked well, and 51% say 'very well.' Among a dozen therapies, including bed rest, massage and herbal remedies, only prescription drugs were as successful as prayer in easing pain" (Gary D. Foster, Christian Counseling Connection).

When I shared that bit of information with Helen she said, "I pray and take the aspirin."

I hate to admit this, but I hadn't ever thought of just praying to control pain; I, like Helen, always thought about taking something too. We are an over-medicated culture! What this research means is that prayer is an indispensable part of life to a significant number of people in our culture; that is why researchers are so enchanted by it. It is illustrative of the statement of Jesus, 'Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God' (Matthew 4:4).


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