Saturday, June 17, 2006


I found this blurb in the "Christian Counseling Connection." "'Men and women who were virgins at age 18, when evaluated approximately 20 years later, had about half the risk of divorce, had completed about an additional year of education and had annual incomes of nearly 20% higher than those who were not virgins at 18. We used 18 as the cut of ace because it gave approximately equal populations of virgins and non-virgins to study,' says Focus on the Family Medical Issues Analyst, Reginald Finger."

It is worth it to be self-disciplined and committed to doing God's will! It is not about just money and education; it is about living a full life.


*I'm back from camp. It was a great week being dorm-dad to 33 5th and 6th grade boys; I relearned a lot! Please bear with me because my posting schedule will remain erratic over the course of most of the summer.

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