Wednesday, April 19, 2006


According to a study at Eastern Virginia Medical School, people who sleep just 16 fewer minutes per night than the average person are significantly at risk of being over weight. As inconsequential as those moments sound, it adds up to nearly two hours of lost sleep per week. After controlling for other lifestyle and health factors, researchers calculated that missing two hours of sleep each week is associated with a ten-point increase in body mass index--or the difference between a healthy weight and obesity.

Since 1960, when the average amount of shut-eye was 8.5 hours, the average amount of sleep time has shrunk to about 7 hours. No wonder we struggle with our weight. Also, it isn't just the weight that is a concern, it is the immune system that is weakened and cognitive ability that is impaired. The onset of adult diabetes is also linked to skimping on sleep. So, turn off Letterman and get some Z's!

Even the Lord needed His sleep. The Bible doesn't say very much, but it does say that during a violent storm on Galilee, "Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. . ." (Mark 4:38). Even during the storms, do not be troubled and afraid. Get some sleep.

Grace & Peace;

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