Sunday, April 09, 2006


"The doctor may start with the fundamental probability that if the patient has a fear of a disease he has it not. Queer fact, this, but often true, nor is it confined to fear of organic disease. A patient with a cancer of the stomach rarely is possessed of any fear. If he has it he accepts the verdict without emotion. When death knocks on the door no one is frightened. The smartest observation ever made was when Shakespeare said there is no need to fear death. It will come when it will come, and then, it may be added, it will be without fear" (Arthur E. Hertzler, M.D.).

If you are afraid you are going to die, you probably won't. If you are not afraid of dying, you probably will. Keep that in mind the next time you are in the hospital. Remember, Dr. Hertzler made that observation pre 1940, but it was an observation made from over fifty years of medical practice. I think, in general terms, it rings true today.

Is death a thing to be feared? Jesus asked, "And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit to his span of life?" (Matthew 6:27). I take my vitamins and do physical training not so much to add length to my life, but to add productivity to it. Whenever the Good Lord calls me home it's okay. I just want to be as productive as I can as long as I can. What is to be feared about death is the lack of opportunity to change. We are what we are. Our future is fixed. Until the time of death the Lord has given abundant opportunities for change; to follow His will. After that is judgment, there are no more opportunities for change (Hebrews 9:27).

Grace & Peace;

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