Saturday, March 16, 2013


And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in Heaven and on earth has been given unto me.  God therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age" (Matthew 28:18-20).

I finished reading Robert Blair's The Great Omission.  It is a book that has been around for a few years, but is well worth reading.  In this, and the next post or two, I will share some thoughts.  The Church has muddled the message of Christ and, as a result, mixed the mission of Christ so much so that the Church must have Divine origins and support to even exist.  Blair makes an important point when he says,  Many conservative American Christians seem to think they need all the rights and freedoms afforded by the U.S. government in order for the church to survive until Jesus returns.  They fix their hopes in the courts and Congress. (p. 291).  What ever the political situation is, Christians have a job to do.  We are empowered by our God to carry it out--it is His will!

Having said that, I want to say this: I am a conservative American Christian.  I have been blessed to live through the best times in history, enjoying the blessings of freedom and material wealth that most of earth's population has not been afforded.  The reason that we enjoy this is because we are a nation founded on Christian principles.  It is so sad to see this slipping away.  Why would I stand around and just let this treasure be lost without saying something, without doing something?  I can't!

The success of the Kingdom of God does not depend on the United States of America.  As Christians we must keep on with the mission regardless of the political situation!  Nevertheless, as a Christian citizen of the United States, I cannot idly standby and watch it that heritage be squandered so that it cannot be enjoyed by the next generation.

Our Father's Love,

1 comment:

Tom said...

With freedom comes responsibility, the responsibility to participate in the governance of the U.S. You do that by voting, staying informed on the issues, speaking up in public and, perhaps, becoming a candidate for office yourself.

However,the best way to preserve the wonderful heritage we have as Americans is to be faithful in going about the Lord's business of making disciples of Jesus Christ.

I thought I should make that comment before Husker Red chided me about it. Making disciples is not a utilitarian mission of saving the United States, but saving the U.S. is a by-product of our mission.