Tuesday, February 21, 2012


(The Lord) who satisfies you with good as long as you live so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's (Psalms 103:5).

We (Helen and I) just returned home from our annual President's Day holiday week-end trip to the great state of California to visit our grandchildren, Faith, Deacon and Parker and their wonderful parents, Rebecca and Kirk.  The weather was sunny and warm, a nice break from Iowa.  It was nice to see green grass and the almond trees blossoming!  The honey bees were out doing their job of spreading pollen around.

The state of California is truly the state of fruits & nuts.  The church my son-in-law serves is building an out door baptistry.  Since baptism is by immersion there has to be enough water to immerse a person under water.  The local officials couldn't decide if this would be a pond or a pool.  They finally decided that it would be a pool and, as a result, the church must post a "No Life Guard on Duty" sign on the baptistry.

It is a good thing to be connected to the family.  For children to be connected to the extended family gives them a source of meaning, purpose and self-esteem during their growing-years.  It is a blessing to grand parents too, keeping them young.  I think God intended to renew the strength of grand parents through their grand children.

The flights were uneventful this year, thank God, but those airplane seats are the most uncomfortable place to park one's "keester" since the steel tractor seat.

Our Father's Blessings,

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