Tuesday, June 02, 2009


Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me (John 14:1).

After more than sixty years I can still hear the eloquent prayers that filled the countryside when epidemics of diphtheria appeared. One tube of antitoxin will do more good than all of these (Arthur Hertzler, MD).

Doctor Hertzler practiced medicine in both the 19th and 20th centuries, building a clinic of some renown in Halstead, Kansas. My first ministry was in Abbyville, Kansas, some 40 miles from Halstead so when I read his book, Horse and Buggy Doctor, I connected with it. Dr. Hertzler's father was a Mennonite lay minister, but Dr. Hertzler, himself, was skeptical of prayer and of Christians as they practiced their Christianity, but he did believe in God.

If a person can keep his head on when everyone else is losing theirs, this is what is called, "non-anxious presence." If one can do that over an extended period of time then those who are around him, or her, will begin to regain their heads. This is more easily said than done because the only true "non-anxious presence" is God--to be human is to be anxious. Just as God has a plan for His creation and is working his plan, to be non-anxious ourselves is to trust in God, believe that he is working his plan, and as Christians, live out that plan. As a result, non-anxious people live by their faith and do not allow themselves to be drawn into anxious defensive behaviors like gossip, destructive criticism, outbursts of anger or addictive behaviors.

Non-anxious presence is emotional, but it is not emotionally driven. When one is emotionally driven, he or she ceases to think and only reacts. God, being the only true non-anxious presence, is not stampeded into action by our anxious prayers, rather he answers in the way that is right. One of the reasons Hertzler was skeptical of prayer was that God did not answer in the way he thought God should answer. Eventually, Hertzler did come to the understanding that the answer to prayer is the diligent pursuit of a worthy cause. In this way he saw diphtheria antitoxin as an answer to prayer. God did answer in the way that was best. How much poorer would we be if God "zapped" us with answers to prayer with no effort on our part?

One of the qualities of Godliness is being a non-anxious presence.


*Revised from an earlier post

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