Friday, October 24, 2008


"Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor's, and to God the things that are God's" (Matthew 22:21).

There are 3 characteristics of a conservative. Actually, conservatives are very thoughtful and loving people. Sometimes, in working with addicts and the undisciplined, love has to be tough. Tough love, compassion, validates the worth of a person, but pity invalidates a person's worth by implying that a person is incapable of helping themselves. Only the government can help is the implication. The love of the conservative is compassionate, it is not pity.

1. The first characteristic of a conservative is traditional values--Judaeo-Christian values upon which our country was founded. As people of faith, the values gained from a rational study of the Bible form our world view.

2. Limited government is the 2nd characteristic belief of the conservative. Government is a necessary evil. It is power. I have a Romanian friend that lived under communism. She told me the police could enter any one's home at anytime for any cause--what a terrifying way to live! The global-warming people want to save the planet by limiting meat consumption to 4 three ounce servings per week per person. How will they enforce that? The food police in your home at any time? Humm. Over 40 years ago, senator Fulbright from Arkansas said that the Constitution was outmoded. Politicians love power and they would like nothing better than to get rid of it. They have found a way, in the last 40 years to invalidate the Constitution--by packing the court with liberal judges who then legislate from the bench. The intention of the Constitution was to harness the power of government for the welfare of the people and for their protection. When the people of the United States have to fear the government then it is the government that has to be reigned in.

3. Market economy. Much has been said about the lack of regulation being the cause of the current financial crisis. Granted, there has to be regulation because corruption, sin, is to be found in the free market just as corruption is found in government. The government overseers, in this case, congressman and senators, were just as corrupt as the over-paid CEO's! Our problems did not result from a free market but from corrupt regulators! It is amazing to me that the free people of the United States want to turn over the health-care system to the same bunch who gave us the financial crisis! There will always be scarcity and hardship when government manages an economy. In the UK there are long waiting lists for people who need specialized treatment;it is not uncommon for one to die waiting for treatment. Now the government there says they have a right not to treat those who do not exercise or eat a healthy diet. That is also why medical tourism is the fastest growing kind of tourism. One will have to go to a third-world country for treatment!

Traditional values, limited government and market economy--do you believe in those? If you do, vote for someone who supports these values. When most people find out what conservatism actually is, they have found themselves to be more conservative than they thought they were.


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