Friday, October 17, 2008


". . . yet your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you" (Genesis 3:16 b). Dr. Hagan, my Old Testament professor in seminary, indicated this verse as the beginning of the battle of the sexes. The same word, translated "desire," is used in Genesis 4:7 indicating a consuming desire. The use in 3:16 indicates that the woman wants what the husband has, leadership.

"For it was Adam who was first created and then Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression" (I Timothy 2:13,14).

The consequences of the sin in Eden are severe, and, to us, they do not seem to be fair. Physical death is one that falls upon us all. The order of leadership in the home and the church is another. Why is it that God wants men to be leaders? Is it because they are smarter and more capable? No. Men and women do tend to see the world differently, but that is for complimenting each other; it does not mean that one is innately superior to the other. The apostle Paul says that men should be leaders for two reasons: 1. The order of creation; 2. Because it was Eve who was deceived; in-other-words, because of the fall. These are theological reasons, and therefore, the order of leadership is a matter of faith. Women of faith take this matter seriously while women of the world do not; it just seems to be a natural dynamic for women to desire everything that a man has.

Tomorrow, I will write about how submission works in the Christian home.



Rebecca said...

Dad - I understand and accept that the husband is the head of the home. But, a little more emphasis about loving the wife is all I ask. As you know about me, I am opinionated. I am learning a little about when to say things and when not to. I get in trouble when I say things at the wrong time. My husband, I think, is learning about me and is more patient. He has not always known how to handle me. I think women growing up in the culture that we have, have learned to be independent thinkers. A single woman in this culture is very independent and doing and thinking about things that men think about as well. Then to be put in a marriage where they have to say that his idea is best???? You can understand how hard that is. I know you are writing more, but I still think that if men understand this and how important it is to love their wives and their thoughts, maybe...... I just think the focus should shift on both equally and not just always talk about submission. Do you see how passionate I am about this???

Tom said...

The first installment was written for those in my vast reading audience who needed this basic understanding. Hopefully, the next installment will be more helpful.

Our Father's Blessings,