Monday, October 20, 2008


"For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil. Do you want to have no fear of authority? Do what is good and you will have praise from the same" (Romans 13:3).

COMMENT: Our forefathers recognized that when a person has to fear for doing good then the governing authorities have lost their legitimacy.

Silver Bullets is proud to give Senator John McCain its endorsement for President of the United States. In the military, John McCain served our country with heroism, dignity and principal.
In the political arena he has indeed been a maverick, bucking his own party. There has been much in his political past that I have strongly disagreed with him, yet he is a known quantity and he is cooperative. His is an experienced leader who is trust-worthy.

The same cannot be said for Barack Obama. We really know very little about him. We know more about Sarah Palin and Joe the plumber than we know about Obama. Obama releases none of his records. We do not even know that he is truly a citizen of the United States. We do know that a significant number of his friends hate America. Even though Obama has said nothing in his debates that is scary, what are we supposed to conclude? All we have is rhetoric. I know enough psychology to know that rhetoric is not a sufficient foundation for a relationship--it is not what you say, it is what you actually do that matters. About that we know very little. Obama really could be the "Manchurian Candidate!"

If someone comes to apply for a job, but is not willing to fill in all the information, would you hire him? I wouldn't! It is that simple.

One last difference between the two that is a core issue with me, and it is big enough in itself to determine my vote; McCain is pro-life and Obama is pro-abortion even through late-term, partial-birth abortion. This is not just a political issue, this is a moral issue and how one stands on this issue is a pretty good indicator of what one thinks of people in general; whether they are a blessing or a burden.



Anonymous said...

Oh please, Dr. Steele! The real reason you are endorsing John McCain is because of Sarah Palin! Not only do the Republicans have the "babe" on the ticket, she would be the best president on either ticket. McCain knows a winner when he sees one. His pick of Sarah Palin is the biggest reason he deserves the SB presidential endorsement!

--Husker Red

Anonymous said...

Manchurian Candidate indeed! Everyone assumes that there will be elections in 2 years to correct the problems of an Obama presidency or the unchecked power of democrat executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. Joe Biden's comments about a crisis in the first 6 months were cryptic and frightening. It could well be that this could be the cause of suspending the elections; national crisis. An Obama win is frightening. S.A.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that someone as smart as you believes all the anti Obama email forwards he has been getting. Barack Obama is pro choice, not pro abortion, big difference. I can understand and respect your conservative views, but I am astounded by some of your damaging remarks. do you really think the DNC would nominate someone who was not a citizen? That is crazy!

I just found this quote by Dr. K.A. Paul, whom the New Republic called, "the world's most popular Christian evangelist" citing one of the reasons he is endorsing Barack Obama.
"The current adminsitration,I believe, has delayed the secomd coming of Jesus."
Do we really need 4 more years the same as the last 8?

Anonymous, Who is everyone that assumes there will be these elections in 2 years, you and Tom?

Tom said...

Dear PCD,

I do care about you as a member of the family of God. I hope that you will carefully consider how the candidates line up with the teaching of the Bible.

What is a substantive difference between pro abortion and pro choice? And, why is it that the most innocent should have no choice? BTW, I do have a friend who works for Planned Parenthood. She told me about the wide-open, government-funded abortion plans that Obama is going to be pushing when he becomes president. There will be no state law that will effectively regulate it. Are unwanted babies such a burden that we shouldn't have to trouble our society with them? Pushed to its logical conclusion, society shouldn't have to be bothered by anyone who is a burden on it. Liberalism is a culture of death, not of life. I can now see why the return of Jesus will come sooner under liberal leadership.

George Bush is not a conservative, he is a Methodist. His administration has followed the logical conclusions of Methodist social policy. That doesn't mean it has all been bad. We haven't had another terror attack on American soil since 911. And actually, the economy was humming along quite nicely until the democrats controlled both houses of congress. Still, the war was handled badly and George deserves some of the heat he has taken for it.

John McCain is not a conservative either, but in politics you got to go with what you've got. The thing about McCain is that he does saddle his own horse. He will not be another George Bush and he will not be just another Republican--I can guarantee that. On the other hand, Barack Obama will just be a democrat. Sarah Palin is the only conservative in the bunch.

Both presidential and vice presidential candidates are being briefed about matters of national security. Joe Biden leaked a hint of something over the horizen. One thing I know about communication is that what is left unsaid is enigmatic and frightening to people. What responsible person in authority would say something like he said?
What did he really mean when he said it?

Finally, there really is a Pennsylvania lawyer named Philip Berg, who is a democrat BTW, who has filed suit against the Obama campaign and the democrat national committee for proof citizenship for Barack Obama--actually there is another suit filed in Washington state on the same issue. Berg was a Hillary supporter.

Anonymous said...

Pro Choice gives a woman a choice if she is raped, or a victim of incest. Claiming that liberals are pro abortion is crazy! We don't go around asking pregnant women if they would like to go have an abortion "just for fun" that is rediculous. Plus, John McCain dosen't want abortions, but he dosen't want to take care of these kids once they are born either. My daughter was sexually molested by her father, by the grace of God and my great family, I was able to get full custody of my daughter (and we haven't seen him since) when the police said "either he is an Oscar winning actor or he is telling the truth, and there is no reason he shouldn't be in the home"????? But, what if she would have become pregnant? Should she have to carry her father's child? I can't imagine the pyschological toll that would have taken on my daughter. She has had enough to deal with just from the simple fact she was molested by someone she loved and trusted. I have had an abortion, I was young and stupid, I was not raped or the victim of incest, and there are days I regret that decision, but I am still a good person.

Here is a major problem I have with conservatives, they are pro war and pro life. Is's not ok for someone to have an abortion, but let's go to Iraq (where weapons of mass destruction were never found) and kill a bunch of American Servicemen and innocent civilians. You CAN NOT have the best of both worlds. God bless our Servicemen, I neither have the stamina nor the courage for the things they do and I pray for their safe return every day, but should they even be fighting this war?
I also find it very interesting that many life long Republicans are endorsing Barack Obama. I think that should tell us something about John McCain right there.
My friends and family tell me all the time I do too much for others in need, sometimes not taking care of myself first, but that is the Democrat in me, and I won't ever change that!
I remember you saying once that conversatives were much happier than liberals, well, I am very happy and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Tom said...

Dear PCD,
Since you are a sister in Christ I want you to know that I am answering you in love, not in vindictiveness. Sometimes just words on a screen do not communicate that reality. It sounds like you are still dealing with some unresolved grief, so I will temper my answer. I hope I can answer in the compassion of Christ as he responded to the woman caught in adultery (John 8:1-11) when he said to her, "Neither do I condemn you. Go your way and sin no more." Life is difficult and sometimes there are no good choices. Sometimes we have to cast ourselves on God's grace because it seems that there is no good choice.

There hasn't been one time since the Roe Vs Wade decision that the legality of abortion has ever been in danger in the United States. I remember shortly after that decision, abortion was only thought as a valid procedure during the first trimester. Now it is valid up through the time of birth. See how these things grow and expand? Where does it stop? Death has become a solution to an inconvenient problem.

Nearly 3,000 people died as a result of 911. Terrorism still is a major threat. We may not agree as to how the war on terror has been fought, but we have been blessed that, however it has been fought, it has been fairly successful. Our enemies will not test John McCain, but they will test Barack Obama--will it be another 911?

The great thing about the American military is that it is all volunteer. Each one who has given his or her life for our country is a hero because they made a choice to serve--there have been over 4,000 of them. They gave their lives so that we can enjoy the freedom we have as Americans. Freedom isn't free. I, too, thank God for them every day. I also pray that we are wise enough not to give our freedom away.