Tuesday, March 11, 2008


For your entertainment, I am sharing with you this letter to the editor that was rejected by a newspaper because its genre is not appropriate for the opinion page.

Recently, I was thinking about the benefits of daylight savings time: energy conservation and greater productivity. What a payoff for simple mind-game! So I was thinking, "Is there another mind-game that would have even more benefits?" Yes there is! It is the 10-day week. Think about it. The 10-day week would increase productivity by having at least one less weekend per month. We all know that with a half billion dollar shortfall of revenue for governor Culver's budget, more productivity would be greatly appreciated.

Education would benefit from the 10-day week. Those young "skulls-full-of-mush" would have at least one less weekend to be distracted by Big Entertainment, whose excesses suck the brains and finances out of our kids. The kids would then have more time in school. Teachers would become more productive too, actually earning their extravagant salaries. Iowa might again lead the nation in education.

Most important of all, the 10-day week would advance secularism in the state. There is nothing in nature that requires a 7-day week. A 7-day week is simply a matter of the Judaic-Christian Faith being forced on the masses. Isn't there supposed to be separation of church and state? With the 10-day week there would be at least one less weekend a month for people to be indoctrinated with faith.

Iowa State found that the use of a long-discredited religious institution can advance secularism even faster than the 10-day week. Those encrusted scholars utilized the Inquisition to make the university safe from spirituality. Now even an Isaac Newton cannot get tenure at Iowa State. Though the Inquisition goes a little too far, the 10-day week will do just fine!

The biggest problem I can see with the 10-day week is what do we name the next three days?


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