Wednesday, March 05, 2008


As is my daily custom, I stop at my mother's house to check on her well-being. We sit at the table at which I spent countless hours studying, as a boy and have coffee. The table sits next to the window. Through it I have a great view of the front yard, the lake and the hills behind it. It was while we were having coffee that about a dozen robins came flying in and landed on the lawn. It is time for the robins to come, but we still have snow on the ground and the windchill today is about 0 F and it is March 5th!

Usually the robins come during the very last days of February so they are late this year. But the winter has been colder and longer this year, which is what the climatologists say is the result of global warming. Of course, they are the same people who forecast a milder and shorter winter last fall. That is one of the reasons I am not concerned about global warming. The forecasters have a tough-time doing the 3-day weather forecast right, let alone, what the weather will be like in 3 months.

Take care of the robins, Lord, we could have a lot of winter yet!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You aren't going to have to worry about Global Warming at the moment because of where you live, but the polar bears have to worry about it. Good thing that the God who provides for the birds will also provide for the polar bears.