Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Thus says the Lord; "Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is; and walk in it, and find rest for your souls" ( Jeremiah 6:16).

Helen and I drove to Kansas for the Easter break.  It was good to take care of business at Helen's parents and to get a clearer understanding of their life situation.  Being elderly people, their children need check on them fairly frequently.  We attended "Good Friday" services at the New Strawn Christian Church and renewed some old acquaintances there.  We spent Saturday cleaning and organizing around Dad & Mom's house and bid them farewell.

We were up and going at 5:30 Sunday Morning, driving from Burlington, Kansas to Abbyville, Kansas, arriving in time for morning worship.  Abbyville is the location of my first church when I started in the Christian ministry.  Though that was about 40 years ago, we still have dear friends there, one of them celebrating her 90th birthday.  She doesn't look a day over 70.  We spent the day visiting with our dear brothers and sisters in Christ, but by 6:00 p.m. we needed to begin the trip home to Iowa so I could make it to an appointment with the doctor on Monday.  We did a lot of driving and visiting in a short time, but it was a blessing to us.

When we commit our lives to serving the Lord and walking in His way, there will be hardship and difficulty, but looking back, the way is good.

Our Father's Blessings,

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