Monday, April 30, 2012


When he came down from the mountain, great crowds followed him; and behold, a leper came to him and knelt before him, saying, "Lord, if you will, you can make me clean."  And he stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, "I will; be clean." and immediately his leprosy was cleansed (Matthew 8:1-3).

This is only one of several times when Jesus touched the one whom he was healing.  We know from the Biblical record that touching was not essential to the healing process.  At Jesus' word, one could be healed even if he was not present, so it is easy to assume that physical touching was not necessary for physical healing.  So why did Jesus touch the leper when he healed him?

According to the law of Moses, a leper was to identify himself as a leper so that non lepers could keep their distance.  Leprosy was a communicable disease, so, as a result, a leper had to be quarantined from the healthy population.  This man with leprosy had probably not experienced very much compassionate human touching in his life and perhaps that is why Jesus included touching in the healing process.

I have never considered myself as a "touchy, feely" guy, and yet when Helen's (my lovely and gracious wife) and my schedules become extremely busy and there is not much touching time, I find myself becoming irritable for no apparent reason.  Touching is communication.  Proper touching is validation, saying, "You are important to me," or "I love you."

Christians are called to be like their master.  We should not be afraid to give a hug, a handshake or a pat on the back as we witness about the love of God and His Son, Jesus the Christ in our lives.  Do you need a touch?

Our Father's Love,


Anonymous said...

Yes I do! My wife does not initiate affection aside from a symbolic kiss each day, her many other activities are her chief objects of affection and attention.

Am I being too sensitive?

Tom said...

It could be. A person's behavior is communication and you, the husband, are left to interpret what it means.

Anon, you leave me little to work with, but it sounds like your wife is a busy lady. All the "busyness" could be nothing more than misplaced priorities and insensitivity or it could be an intentionally placed barrior to intimacy.

God intended marriage to assist both men and women in living holy lives. It is very distressing when one cannot find love and validation in the relationship which God intended for blessing.

First, go to the Lord for affirmation, wisdom and direction. Next, talk with your wife about what her behavior means. This could make things worse if there is something seriously wrong. If it is only a matter of insensitivity and the issue has been raised in a respectful, non accusing, manner, your relationship should warm-up a little. Our Father's Blessings to you, Anon.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I've not been able to make a comment sooner, out here on the ranch we are very busy right now. But I could not not say something. Anon should not be such a girly man as the governator would say. All of us who are working for God and country are busy. If anon wants affection from his wife he should just go get it and then they will both feel better even if she won't admit it. I know that won't work in every marriage, but at least it brings things to a head so that they can talk about what's goin on.

You can thank me, I don't charge for my advice

from the sand hills, HR

Tom said...

The truth is, HR, that some people need more touching than others. When one of the marriage partners does not recognize that need, the marriage WILL develop symptoms--it is just a matter of time.

It could be that anon, himself, does not recognize at need of his wife. All the "busyness" could be his wife saying, "I have needs you are not meeting--would you start to notice?" I like your direct approach, but it could result in a big fight rather than a meaningful communication about changes that could be made in their relationship.

One other thing. Sometimes folks would rather be a martyr in their familiar pain than deal with the greater pain of making changes.

I hope things are going well out on the ranch--You could be getting a little old to be working with those wild cows.
