Friday, January 27, 2012


So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them (Genesis 1:27).

I'm sharing some thoughts on self-esteem at the request of a reader and because there is a need for understanding self-esteem at this time.  My basic understanding of self-esteem is based in theology, for it is God who gives value to human beings; human beings do not have the final word on the worth of themselves.

Self-esteem may be defined as the feeling we experience as the result of self-appraisal or appraisal by others.  This appraisal is either positive of negative; if negative, we usually feel depreciated, deficient, and depressed; if positive, we usually feel elevated, enthusiastic, and exuberant.  Thus, positive self-appraisal is crucial to our well being.  Negative appraisal from others is less threatening if we can appraise ourselves positively (Bruce Parmenter, 1986).*

We are not the final authority on our own self-worth, nor is the appraisal of others the final word on our own self-worth.  The feelings and the values of the appraiser, the glasses through which they view the world, distort the truth of the value of another human being.  Do not allow the criticisms of others, or your own negative self-talk and feelings conquer the truth.  God says you are created in his image, thus your dignity, value and nobility are established!

Our Father's Blessings,

*Bruce Parmenter was a seminary professor of mine, and a friend.  He wrote a book called, What the Bible Says About Self-Esteem.  Many of his thoughts will be reflected in this series of self-esteem.

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