Friday, January 06, 2012


When I look at the heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast established; what is man that thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that thou doest care for him? (Psalms 8:3-4).

In a universe of a billion trillion stars, not counting the planets, it seems that there should be life out there somewhere to contact.  In fact, some scientists have asked the question, "Where is everybody?" due to the high probability that there are other earth's out there where conditions are similar to ours so that life could have evolved.  Some, like Carl Sagan, have advanced the notion that the reason we have not encountered extra-terrestial aliens is because there is a "high probability that advanced civilizations destroy themselves."* That appears to be the destiny of planet earth.  From weapons biological to nuclear weapons falling into the hands of secular dictators and the moon-worshippers obsessed with death, there is the potential for us to do ourselves in and civilization erased from planet earth unless there are "interstellar policemen."

 God chose to create life in one place, on planet earth.  On this spec of dust in the universe, God chose to create man.  If life is found somewhere else, so be it, but I believe the silence in the universe is intended to show us that life cannot spontaneously come from non life.  It is only on earth that God has created us with free will to live our lives and make choices.  Materialists are desperate to find life elsewhere in the universe because the alternative is God and the notion of a God to whom we are accountable is unacceptable.  That we find ourselves in this mess on planet earth is because we have chosen to ignore our Creator and go our own way.

The "interstellar policemen" are coming, and all things will be made right.

Our Father's Warnings,

*From a column by Charles Krauthammer, Are we alone in the Universe?

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