Friday, May 08, 2009


Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward being . . . (Psalms 51:6a).

Not everyone who comes to a counselor with a problem wants a solution. There is a payoff in having the problem and the counselee simply desires confirmation that the problem does not have a solution. Actually, there are many problems that do not have a clear solution, but there are courses of action that are clearly better than others in managing the problem. Simply wallowing in the woe-is-me victim status is the payoff for those who do not want to change. They receive sympathy and pity from the well-meaning people-helper--that is the payoff. So they remain stuck in their problems.

Job, of the Bible, was a true victim. He suffered at the hand of satan quite a string of tragedies. There are relatively few Job's. There are many people who seem to have a never-ending run of bad luck which prevents them from accomplishment, "The car broke down so I couldn't make it to the job interview," or "I have sent out ten resumes, but no one answers" kind of thing. And so they see themselves as victims of life's unlucky lottery. Of course, the truth is that by taking responsibility one can develop his organizational and communication skills that would prevent these kinds of things from happening.

Many people see money as the solution to life's problems--even many churches do, what a shame. Certainly, money is power, but money cannot solve a non money problem. Money cannot solve a spiritual problem and money cannot solve a character problem. The real problem behind most of our external problems is spiritual. We do not trust God, We do not want to obey God, and we do not want to accept responsibility. We would rather be victims because victims are not responsible.

. . . therefore teach me wisdom in my secret heart (Psalm 51:6b).


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