Friday, August 29, 2008


John McCain hit a home run today with his choice of Sarah Palin, Governor of Alaska, as his choice for his vice-president running mate. Not only is she a "babe," making the Republican ticket the best-looking one by far, but she is decisive and sure of her values. She is pro-life! She will certainly make this campaign a lot more fun and interesting.



Rebecca said...

What a history breaking year! If Obama wins, he will be the first African American President. If McCain wins, we will have the first female Vice-President. I think it is exciting! Since I don't agree with Obama's "change," I guess I already know who I am voting for. I think it was a great move on McCain's side. He also had a great ad running last night congratulating Obama on this Historic event. He has impressed me, I hope he continues to.

Anonymous said...

This is just the beginning of Palins "exaggerations" I think to look at her as a babe is impractical

Anonymous said...

Dear Anonymous,

The main-stream media have pretty much taken Obama's side. There is hardly a shred of objectivity in their reporting. Their mission is to dig up dirt, throw it and see what sticks. Sarah Palin is every bit as qualified for executive leadership as Obama, if not more so. Obama's resume' is pretty thin--there are a hundred Iowa farmers that have better resume's than Obama's.

Regardless of who is elected, the new president faces some challenges which could sink the whole country. God is going to have to bless America to get us through!
