Wednesday, July 05, 2006


"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones" (Proverbs 17:22).

"The activity of cells that comprise the immune system is assumed to be influenced by anxiety" (Kerr/Bowen, p.74).

Why is it that people can have cancer cells, tubercular bacilli and HIV and not develop clinical symptoms? Why is it that there are people who have been terminally ill, who were medically hopeless, who experienced healing when they found purpose for their lives? There is enough real casework history out there to show that these instances happen in significant numbers.

Emotion is a significant dynamic in the development of any disease; physical or psychiatric. Many people carry a heavy load of chronic anxiety with them. They are always thinking about what might happen, what could be or what other people might be thinking rather than dealing with what actually is. It is this constant load of emotion that stresses the immune system and can allow the development of disease.

It is important to remember, however, that even if we were all perfectly emotionally mature, we would still get sick. Nevertheless, emotional stress can hasten the development of disease. Any pastor, chaplain or counselor needs to think in terms of emotional dynamics when working with their patient. Why is my patient sick now; what has been going on in their life? What meaning can be found? Finding meaning and purpose for life diffuses a lot of emotion. Finding and strengthening faith in Christ does the same; check out Matthew 11:28-30.


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