Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Everyone went to his home (John 7:53).

We arrived in Jamaica on Sunday, now it was Saturday morning and time to leave for home.  At the beginning of the week it looked like a long week.  I had not slept well the first night and was thinking that it could be a personally unpleasant week ahead, but now on this Saturday morning I was ready to sign up for another week.  We always have to deal with reality and reality includes responsibility--there is business back in Iowa that is waiting.

We had some excess mission funds that we divided among those who served us so well, Andy, Al, Chris, the cook, and those who helped them.  Without them it would have been a tough week.

We ate a hearty breakfast, packed our bags, loaded into the van and headed to Montego Bay.  We were not rushed for time so we shopped and ate lunch at Burger King and were at the air port by 1:30.  Departure was not until 5:00 so we had a lot of waiting to do.  It is always a zoo to clear security and customs.  Our youngest team member was randomly selected for a special security search--he made it though with only a minor inconvenience.

Our plane left Montego Bay as the sun was setting, its a great picture that I do not have, inspiring memories of the past week.  It was 85 F when we left, but on arrival in Minneapolis at 10:00 it was below zero and a ground blizzard.  By the time we cleared customs, left the airport and were on our way home it was nearly midnight.  By the time we took our passengers home through the blizzard and Helen and I arrived at our house, it was after 5:00 a.m. Sunday morning, January 4th, 2015.  Not a good way to end a great week!   Helen and I planned to go to church, but due to some truck problems and getting stuck in the driveway we decided that the Lord was telling us to stay home.  It was good to be home!

Our Father's love,

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