Sunday, February 22, 2015


Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Corinthians 3:17).

Some of the land that I farm is along state highway 10 in Northwest Iowa.  It is not uncommon  for people that have strong religious and political convictions to share them by posting a sign along the highway.  About 2 1/2 years ago, during the political season, I began to post a sign along my stretch of the highway.  Except for about 3 months when a storm ripped my sign apart,  I have kept a sign posted.  I do not get very many comments about the sign, but I have had a few people thank me for posting them.  I try to change them every 2 to 3 weeks--a sign that seldom changes is a sign that is seldom noticed.

My signs started by being negative political.  After giving it serious thought I decided on a more positive tactic, at least for a while, I like being negative once in a while too.  In recent months it would have been very easy to be negative.  Pres. Obama has been doing his best to do in our country and toy with its very existence by refusing to have a coherent strategy to combat radical islamists.
Still I have decided to take a more positive approach and post signs that communicate positive Christian faith.  So I'm doing a series of signs called Jesus =.  An islamist believes that which is not true, a Christian believes in the authenticated risen Christ.

Jesus = Freedom.  That is the first in this series of signs.  The freedom a Christian has in Jesus is freedom from sin, death, guilt, shame, unnecessary religious practice and superstition.  Christians can be at peace in turmoil because of the grace of the risen Christ.

Our Father's Love,

*This sign has already been posted and taken down.  The next sign, Jesus = Love  will come down soon to be replaced by Jesus = Truth.

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