Wednesday, May 01, 2013


Come now let us reason together, says the Lord (Isaiah 1:18).

I do not consider myself to be a scientist, though, as a farmer there is a lot of science in what I do.  As a marriage and family therapist, there is a surprising amount of science involved in what I do there as well.  In my seminary education a class was required called Research Methods in Family Therapy.  The purpose of the course was to help the students to design and evaluate approaches and methods of family therapy for validity and reliability.  Even in pastoral ministry one should have a scientific background in subjects as diverse as biology to archeology with a good amount of psychology in between.  So, I am not attempting to dismiss the scientific method as something incompatible with faith.  I believe that good faith and good science walk together hand in hand.  It was faith in a reliable God that produced science in the first place.  The God of the Bible has always given man a reason to believe.

Science should be objective, but it seldom is, it can be very subjective and biased.  Scientists are human beings.  They choose to research what interests them personally or what the government--or other funding agencies will finance.  The whole "human-caused-climate-change issue" is a glaring example of this.  There was truly little science, a lot of theory and a whole lot of dishonesty involved in this fraud.  People with credentials sold their souls and the taxpayers are still funding funding politically directed research on climate change.  Calling it science doesn't make it science.  Personal pride and funding issues make good science hard to come by.

In this generation, science has become god for many.  People look to science to solve the world's problems.  Developing sophisticated weaponry to deter evil has resulted in those who are evil to have sophisticated weaponry too.  The use of antibiotics has resulted in super germs that antibiotics can't kill.  The use of herbicides has resulted in super weeds that herbicides can't kill.  What I am saying is that science is, at best, marginal in the salvation of mankind.  I do not want to go back to the old days either, but we can see the logical conclusion of science from here.  When the remedies of men have run out, then time will have run out too.

When science has reached its logical conclusion and has no answers for you, what will you do? Will it be too late?

Our Father's Love,

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