Monday, April 15, 2013


No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us (Romans 8:37).

Hail! to the victors valiant.  Hail! to the conqu'ring heros . . . (University of Michigan fight song).

First, it is important to note that I am not a Michigan fan, except for the times when they are representing the Big Ten.  Such was the case a week ago when they were playing Louisville for the NCAA basketball championship.  It was late in the game.  I believed Michigan had a run in them.  The Michigan band boomed their fight song.  It seemed to energize the team and they did respond, but they still fell short.  I've always thought that the Michigan fight song was worth a touch down in a tight football game or five points in a tight basketball game, as seemed to be the case last week.  Sadly, it was not enough.

What makes the Michigan fight song different from the typical college fight song is that it does not exhort the team to fight harder.  The song celebrates a victory already won.  From Michigan's perspective, to put on the Michigan uniform and play on the university's team makes one a winner in any case.  That is good Christian theology.  When a person puts on Christ, our uniform, and faces life head on, he is the winner!  Sometimes I think Christians need a great fight song to remind them of that!  Sometimes we need a pep band booming in the background reminding us of who we are!

I'm getting to be a little sappy* in my old age, so when the Michigan pep band began to play at the time they did, my eyes began to water as I began to think the thoughts I have shared with you.

Our Father's Love,

*I know that "husker red," "gobucks" and "hawkeye gold" will think I have gone over the edge.

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