Wednesday, December 12, 2012


But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven or the Son, but the Father only (Matthew 24:36).

What if we knew when the earth would run out of oil and natural gas?  What if we knew the day the dollar is going to crash?*  What if we knew the day when a super storm, like hurricane "Sandy" would strike?**  What if an act of war, like 9-11, was known before it happened?***  Would we be prepared?

The CIA is funding and helping to advance  technology that can accomplish the impossible, a reasonably accurate prediction of the future. By "reasonably accurate" I mean within a 90 percent probability.  From the limited reading I have done on the subject, it appears that this predictive technology is "super-computing" technology that draws conclusions from the mountains of information that are fed into it. Meteorological, political, social and demographic, economic, scientific, religious information, the amounts of which are almost beyond comprehension, are considered.  What would it do to the stock and commodity markets if it was known 2 to 3 days ahead of time what they were going to do?  I am sitting here wondering if the lottery could be predicted and what it would do to the lottery if it could?

A personal opinion of mine, it is nothing more than that, is that God will bring this world to an end when it has reached its logical conclusion.  When all possibilities have been considered and still there is entropy; sin, injustice, death, destruction.  Science, secularism and false religion will be leading humanity in circles, then Jesus will come.  Joy to the world!  Not only has the Lord come, He is coming again!  This Christmas season remember that God has purpose for His creation.  Jesus has come to save us and is coming again to take us HOME.

Our Father's Blessings,

* The dollar is going to crash--the character of our politicians guarantees it.

**The residents of New York and New Jersey did have a reasonably accurate prediction at least 3 days ahead of time.  Even with that lead time, how does one prepare for such a storm?

***The Obama administration takes us for a bunch of fools.  They had 3 months lead time on the attack in Benghazi and did nothing!  The problem was not what Susan Rice said, but what the president was doing when this occurred.  One doesn't have to be the sharpest knife in the drawer to know that radical Islam was going to do something on 9-11.  The real question to be considered is, was this simply incompetence or something worse on the part of Obama?

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