Friday, August 10, 2012


You shall not give any of your children to devote them by fire to molech, and so profane the name of your God: I am the Lord (Leviticus 18:21).

One of the gods specifically named by God that was not to be worshipped was molech; though it is a proper name, I refuse to capitalize it.  It was believed by the pagans of ancient times that, if a family's first-born was sacrificed to molech, the nation and the family would have peace and prosperity.  The image of molech was a hollow metal man in which a fire was built.  When the "god" was red-hot the baby would be placed on its firery arms and be burned to death, surrounded by dancing worshippers.

I'm not an Old Testament prophet, but sometimes I certainly would like to be.  God, through the prophets, pronounced judgment, justice, death, and captivity on His people because of their infidelity to Him when they worshipped molech and the other gods.  Are we any better, aborting our most innocent in the name of personal peace and prosperity? 

Not only are we killing the defenseless, but there is general corruption that is spread through every level of society.  The very rich are able to take advantage of every loop-hole and insider-trading opportunity, stealing from every tax-payer and share-holder.  The middle class values of self reliance and personal responsibility are rejected for the entitlement mentality and declining labor-force participation.  Our welfare system has incentivized people not to marry, for children to be born out of wedlock and has created a class of people whose purpose in life is to get the most from the public trough for the least.  Cases of public employee pension padding are rampant.  This kind of society cannot be sustained economically and will inevitably collapse.

The laws of God cannot be violated with impunity, over the long term, without reaping the natural consequences of our behavior.  We have worshipped the gods of pleasure, personal peace and prosperity and will reap poverty, sorrow, and perhaps, slavery.  I know these are not encouraging words, but I do believe the momentum of our slide to Perdition cannot be stopped apart from an act of God.

Our Father's Blessings,

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