Thursday, June 16, 2011


If any one does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his own family, he has disowned the faith and is worse than an unbeliever (I Timothy 5:8).

With Father's Day on Sunday, and QE2 arriving on June 30th, I thought it necessary to share some of my thinking.

From the context of the verse, it is obvious that Paul is speaking of providing necessary material things for the family. Nevertheless, spiritual provision is a necessary provision for the family because, as Jesus said, Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.  If a Christian man does not provide spiritual leadership in his home then he is not truly providing for his family.

The end of Quantitative Easing 2 is when the Fed stops printing money.  Because of the financial crisis in Europe and the huge amounts of deficit spending at home, no one knows what will happen when the printing presses stop on June 30th. The mood of congress is for austerity measures and with a tighter money supply it might soon become very difficult to provide for one's family.  Of course the reason that the U.S. is in this mess is precisely because there are many people who feel entitled to other people's money.  There are many family members who can pay for the support of their family, but want the government to do it for them.  When the basic law of providing for one's own family is violated then, eventually, a whole nation can be destroyed.  Look what is happening in Greece--the U.S. is almost there.

My investment advisor (I subscribe an investment newsletter that will remain nameless) shared 3 things to prepare for QE2:

1. Hold plenty of cash; up to 40% of your investments.

2. Hold gold and silver bullion.

3. Sell risky stocks.

Obviously, if one doesn't have a lot of net worth (me), those three steps do not help a lot.  However, it sure wouldn't hurt to stock up on basic necessities as a precaution.  Ultimately, the Lord is our provider.  Christians need to be ready to take hold of the opportunities that a loving Father provides his children so that they can provide for theirs.

Our Father's Blessings,

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