Tuesday, June 14, 2011


And they were bringing children to him, that he might touch them; and the disciples rebuked them.  But when Jesus saw it he was indignant, and said to them, "Let the children come to me, do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God" (Mark 10:13-14).

The legal definition of a child in the state of Iowa is a person under the age of 18.  In the culture of Jesus' time a person was well into adulthood by the time he/she reached the age of 18.  Even the 11 and 12 year-olds who Helen and I worked with at camp were older than the children Jesus was speaking about in this scripture text.  But 11 and 12 year-olds still have some innocence about them because there is so much of life that is still new to them.

For some of them, the trust that should characterize the relationship they have to their parents is gone because the parents have pursued their own selfish agenda rather than what is best for their children.  Trust is the most important characteristic of children that make them part of the Kingdom of Heaven.  The picture Jesus paints here of children is not one of total depravity, but one of innocence, love and trust.  Children become sinful because of the influence of the world, the flesh and the devil.

Another characteristic of a child that makes them dear to the Lord is that they see things in black and white.  They make their decisions much more easily than adults who see everything in various shades of grey.  Often, adults are so nuanced that they stand for nothing.

So, working with kids at church and at camp helps one to stay young.  In them I see some of the things I have lost and need to get back.  Lord, give me the strength to go back next year.

Our Father's Blessings,

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