Friday, October 02, 2009


Be not among wine bibbers, or among gluttonous eaters of meat; for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty, and drowsiness will clothe a man with rags (Proverbs 23:20-21).

There are many causes of laziness; one of them might be genetic.  My paternal grandmother was one who could rock her life away in the rocking chair.  I think I inherited that same tendency to be a "sitter."  To deal with this genetic predisposition one has to order his life so that his work is interesting and low stress.

Another cause of laziness is connected to how much we eat.  Some authorities blame too much fat, while others blame too many carbs.  It is my personal belief that it is simply eating too much.  We all eat and drink more than we admit to eating and drinking.  Both obesity and type 2 diabetes are epidemic in the United States.  Both obesity and type 2 diabetes contribute to a lack of energy and lethargy.  For me, too much sugar is an energy killer.  Gluttony is a respectable sin, meaning that we speak too little of it in the Church.  Many Christians, especially pastors, are over weight and obese.  Learning to eat a healthful diet must become a priority if one is going to combat laziness!

A third cause of laziness is the lack or organizational skills.  Because of this many are simply buried by their work and, as a result, give up and do not do anything.  The remedy for this is difficult because of the depression that is involved in this, but basically it is this: Make life as simple as possible.  Make learning organizational skills a priority.  As skills increase, complexity can increase.  Life should not become more complex than one's ability to organize--do not volunteer for other work if your own house is a mess.

The opposite of laziness is diligence.  In Biblical use, diligence is not only persistent effort, it is working with a defined purpose, it is working with wisdom, doing what needs to be done as well as it needs to be.



Anonymous said...

Okay Dr. Steele, get with it! You are too nice! The reason people do not work is because they do not care! Everybody will work for what he cares about. I say give them a good hard kick in the butt until they start to care about their work or care about stopping the kickin' in the butt! They will start to care about the dirt in the corner if someone does some 2X4 therapy along side the head. The reason our country is going to hell in a handbasket is because liberals like you give people excuses for not working!

Not only that but we Huskers beat Arkansas State 38 to 9. You Hawkeyes will be lucky just to win.

Husker Red

Tom said...

Take it easy, Husker, I must have touched one of your hot buttons! I know you Huskers have a strong work ethic so may be that's it. It's been quite a while since I've heard from you, what have you been up to?

There is a lot of truth in what you wrote. There are a lot of people who need supervision to keep them on task. Many of them simply lack the maturity to stick to it. Others do have mental health issues such as Attention Deficit Disorder or depression and will benefit from supervision, but now amount of butt kicking is going to make things better for them. Teaching skills and giving appropriate rewards and consequences are what helps them. People do not get well without some kind of appropriate accountability.

As for the Hawkeyes; this is a trap game. Two big games sandwich a less-respected opponent. It is possible for that opponent to do the big upset, so just this once, pull for the Hawks today!