Wednesday, July 16, 2008


". . .no prophecy ever came by human will, but men and women moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God. But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive opinions" (2 Peter 1:21-2:1).

I am not doing too well with my writing. Even this little blurb will be short because it has been a looong day. Helen and I have had the blessing of spending a lot of time with our grandchildren during the last couple of weeks, and now during this week we have two of them, Alex and Samantha all to our selves. On top of that, we are watching our grand dog, Barkley, a six-month old rat terrier. I, of course, have a farm to run and people to pastor so I should try to do some actual work once in a while. The Fredenberg reunion, my mom's side of the family, is this weekend. Helen and I have a lot to do to host that too. So it is a very busy time. My mind has been tired and numb--I just haven't felt like writing. I do want to write a little now to get you faithful readers set up for next week.

How do we know a thing to be true? The scientific method has reigned supreme in finding and verifying truth in the physical universe. The historical method is used to find the truth about the happenings of human events. One of the legitimate ways of knowing is Biblical revelation. Revelation is information that we could not know unless God revealed it. There are times when it appears that the Bible is at odds with science or with history. When that is the case, I stand with the Bible because neither the scientific method or the historical method have been perfect in the quest for truth.

One of the hallmarks of Biblical revelation is predictive prophecy. About 29 per cent of the Old Testament and 22 per cent of the New Testament is predictive prophecy. That is the subject I would like to discuss over the next 2-3 posts starting next week.


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