Saturday, April 05, 2008


"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be yours as well" (Matthew 6:33).

C.S. Lewis said that when 'first things are put first, second things will increase as well.' It is interesting that Sigmund Freud believed that the sex drive was the primary drive of humanity. He is the father of modern sexual promiscuity yet his own sex life was very impoverished. Really, that is the case with the majority of sexual libertines. Not only do they have to deal with the physical diseases that accompany promiscuity, but they come to the place where they are unable to be emotionally intimate. They become lonely, seeing others as sex objects rather than as people. But, when first things are first and God's boundaries are honored, then sex becomes something really good. Rather than having impoverished sex lives, the sex resulting from a truly intimate marriage is rich. Admittedly, the are married couples who lack intimacy and thus their sex lives are impoverished too, but the truth is that when a couple respects God's boundaries and makes emotional intimacy primary in their relationship then their sexual relationship will be rich too.


1 comment:

Rebecca said...

If only the kids in my youth group would understand this. They listen to us with their ears, but they don't do what they are suppose to do. It is not all the kids, but is seems like a good majority are caught up in the sex lies of this world. Last night I found some things about someone in the group and I actually felt sick about it. I hurt for them and the consequences that are going to come because of the practices that they are engaging in.