Tuesday, January 17, 2006


Most of the time it is easy to identify one of the characteristics of personality after visiting with a person only a short time. The degree on extroversion is known fairly quickly by how communicative a person is. While most people are found in the middle range on the extroversion / introversion continuum, there are significant numbers that can be found on either end of it. Those who are more extroverted like people, even large groups of people. Extroverts are energized by social contact. Hell, for the extrovert, would be to be completely alone. Extroverts are friendly, assertive and tend to be more optimistic in nature. It is important to remember that on the extroversion / introversion continuum, introversion is not the polar opposite of extroversion. Introverts can like people too. They can be friendly too, but they are reserved. Instead of being energized by being around other people, social activities expend the energy of the introvert. As a result, introverts require time alone to "recharge their batteries."

The world seems to be a world that favors extroverts, and wh wouldn't it? We all like people who are easily friendly, humorous, and optimistic; the assertiveness gets old after while though. That seems to be unfair since extroversion / introversion is understood to be a genetic trait. There doesn't seem to be a lot that can be done to change where we are on the extroversion continuum. What introverts must remember is that God can use them too! One of the blessings of introversion is the quiet time alone, time to be thoughtful and reflect and meditate. Think of how the world has been blessed by the fruits of the thoughtful meditations of the introvert. Nevertheless, introverts have to remember that it is necessary to express some people-pleasing traits in this world that rewards extroverts. Wearing a smile and being pleasant is saying, "I'm safe." Looking for ways to assist another person is more than a matter of courtesy; it is saying,"I care." To laugh at yourself and your situation says; "I have a sense of humor," and "I am optimistic. Life will not always be this way for me." As the Proverb says, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine."

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