Saturday, June 06, 2015


A man who wanders from the way of understanding will rest in the assembly of the dead (Proverbs 21:16).

As with the women of Proverbs, what differentiates between the wise and the foolish men is the fear of the Lord (1:7).  Even though a man might be highly skilled, he is still a fool if he does not fear the Lord!

The real men of Proverbs seem to have some common characteristics that are worth noteing:
1.  He has an excellent wife (12:4).  Real men are wise about the selection of a wife.
2.  He has regard for the life of his animal (12:10).
3.  Fools are not his companions (13:20).  As Pasquinel said in Centennial, "Bad companions bring bad luck" (James Michener).
4.  The Lord makes the Godly man's enemies be at peace with him (16:7).
5.  He leaves an inheritance to his children's children (13:22).
6.  He has good friends in quality, but not a great number in quantity (18:24).
7.  He is strong enough to sharpen those around him (27:17).
8.  He helps the poor (28:27). " He who gives to the poor will never want, but he who shuts his eyes will have many curses."
9.  The pursuit of wealth is not his most important pursuit because there are somethings that money cannot buy (28:22).

I'm sure there are other characteristics of Proverbs that I haven't listed, but these are the beginning of a good portrait of the real man of Proverbs.

Our Father's Love,

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