Thursday, August 15, 2013


. . . let us also lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us . . . (Hebrews 12:1).

I have been reading through the book of Hebrews in my daily Bible reading.  The translation of the Bible I am using is the New American Standard Version.  The author strongly urges us to let go of our sins which trip us up as we live for the Lord.  We know what sin is--the Bible defines them.  What isn't so easily understood are the "encumberances".  Encumberances are not sin, but they are, nonetheless, obstructions and burdens that hinder our service to the Lord and cloud our witness as we live our Christian lives.

Encumberances are not so easily defined.  What might be an encumberance to me might not be one to you.  It might be a good thing that is taking the place of a better thing.  It might be placing undue importance on things that do not matter that much.  I am not going to be specific beyond this unless someone would ask me. It could have to do with money and debt.  It might have to do with sports or politics.  It might have to do with hobbies and entertainment.  It might have to do with employment or even have to do with church work.

Since this is a more personal matter to which one might be blind, it is essential to ask God to help you to see and understand the encumberances to our Christian lives.

Love & Prayers,

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