Wednesday, July 03, 2013


A city set on a hill cannot be hid (Matthew 5:14).

A person who "muses" is one who thinks deeply.  Right now my mind is exhausted so I do not know if I am capable of thinking deeply, but the question has crossed my mind today, "What would the world be like if America would never have come into existence?"  It is not difficult for me to believe that the world would have progressed little from the time of the forming of America until now.  I do not believe that the world would have continued on, progressing as though America had no influence on the progress of nations.

Without America, Hitler would have won.  Without America, the Soviets would have won.  Without America, the Islamists would have won--oh wait, that one isn't over yet.  In any of these cases, freedom would have been killed and the vast majority of humanity would be living in slavery.  Freedom is rare!  It is precious!  It is not free!

The Lord has said that man does not live by bread alone.  A tyrant can feed his people, but without freedom they can never really live and thrive.  The freedom that Americans enjoy has fed the aspirations of the peoples of the world.  The basis of that freedom is the rule of law, law founded on the God of the Bible.  Laws of purely human origin are arbitrary and unlawful, but laws based in the character of God are truly lawful.  What has made America exceptional is that, for the most part, America is a nation of the rule of that kind of law.

Times are changing.  American jurisprudence is becoming more and more arbitrary.  Becoming as the other nations of earth, the light of America is going out, then what will the world be like?

Our Father's Blessings,

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