Friday, March 19, 2010


The third angel blew his trumpet, and a great star fell from heaven, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the fountains of water.  The name of the star is Wormwood.  A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died of the water, because it was made bitter (Revelation 8:10-11).

Fertility rates are down the world over.  Every woman of childbearing age has to produce 2.1 children to replace a nation's population.  The United States is almost there at 2.05 while China, in spite of its one-child-per-couple policy, stands at 1.7.  Russia is losing an astonishing 700,000 people a year.  The reason we are seeing a growing world population is that more people are living to old age.  One only has to read the obituaries in the local newspaper to see that the great majority of deaths are people 75 into the 100's years of age.  With all of the industrial and agricultural poisoning of the planet, why are people living longer?

What is behind depopulation?  In my own reading I found that some believe there is something in the water, either by God or by government (the reason for the cited text).  Another reason given was higher testosterone levels in both males and females that actually reduce fertility in both sexes.  Certainly, another cause is abortion.  Vietnam and Romania have the highest rates, but a million and a half American abortions is abominable!  Sterility caused by sexually transmitted disease is still another factor.

Think of what falling birth rates mean to the social programs upon which seniors have come to depend; Social Security and Medicare.  There will be fewer and fewer workers to support those elderly who are in need of support.  These kinds of programs are unsustainable in the long term so the wise will prepare not to depend on the government.  Do not look at retirement as a goal, but continue to do something of economic value as long as possible.  Rampant inflation and an unsustainable national economic model require this.

Every prophecy of catastrophe because of over population has failed because human beings are resources, not liabilities.  Depopulation will be a catastrophe and a curse and qualifies as one of my general sign of the times.  It might be that God is closing the wombs, preparing an older generation that has already made its choices to face the judgment.

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