Friday, January 15, 2010


If for this life only we have hoped in Christ, we are of all men most to be pitied.  But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep (I Corinthians 15:19-20).

The hope of Heaven is not simply wishful thinking; it is based on the solid foundation of the historic truth that Jesus Christ has risen from the dead.  Therefore the great reunion with loved ones in Christ is not an idol dream, but a promised reality.  Will we recognize our loved ones in Heaven?  If one studies Matthew 17:2-4 and Luke 16:19-31, it is hard to escape the conclusion that we will recognize them.  Another question seems to always follow the first, "How can we be happy in Heaven knowing that a loved one isn't there?"  It must be remembered that those who are not in heaven are absent because they did not believe in Jesus and they did not love him.  These are a fundamental differences that will always be a source of sorrow and heart break even in Heaven.  God will not allow the past to hold the happiness of Heaven hostage.  When he wipes every tear from our eyes they will never cry again, understanding the perfect judgments of God.  In Heaven we will be one big and happy family, being all brothers and sisters in Christ.  God will be our father.  There will be no marriage in Heaven (Matthew 22:30).

Of the many horrible results of going to hell, one of them is all of the unanswered questions.  Perhaps one of the reasons people go to hell is because they think they have all the answers any way.  This is the conclusion of those who do not believe in God.  In this age of scientific research and technology we make the mistake of thinking that we have all the answers.  Going to hell, one will never know the answers to the questions of history and science.  For people who love to learn it will be wonderful to be in the presence of the Creator!


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