Monday, August 24, 2009


"Look carefully then how you walk,not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:15-16).

Entropy is a word from the sciences. It defines the inevitable movement from order to disorder. It defines the movement of all matter and all energy as it moves toward a state of inert uniformity. It defines the loss of information in a transmitted message, and the inevitable and steady deterioration of a system or society. This is what the Apostle Paul was speaking about when he said, "the days are evil."

There is always entropy in every human relationship. Every relationship will deteriorate unless there is something that can renew it and hold it together! It takes commitment; it takes faith; it takes the motivation that comes from love to overcome relationship entropy. It means that husbands must expend the kind of energy it takes to really understand their wives, learning to take the time to really watch and listen to what she is saying. To not do this is to communicate that she is not that important. As well, wives owe their husbands the same courtesy. Many wives could have spared themselves a lot of heartache if they would have taken the time to understand their husbands rather than expecting him to follow to follow her around like a whipped puppy.

The good news about relationship entropy is that it can be overcome, but it takes a personal sacrificial investment to do it. When the cited text says, "making the most of the time," a more accurate translation is "redeeming the time." It is to buy up time and opportunities to show the love of Jesus in one's relationships. If your relationships are not going very well, it could be that you are just letting entropy happen.


*Revised from an earlier post.

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