Sunday, March 01, 2009


The hand of the diligent will rule . . . (Proverbs 12:24).

Hayden Fry, the winningest football coach in Hawkeye history, would use this expression to communicate diligence, "We're stickin' to our knittin'." My banker calls it, "scratchin'." Webster calls it "constant, careful effort." However you phrase it, diligence is necessary for a successful, meaningful existence.

Diligence implies a plan. Life can be very frustrating and depressing if one does not have a goal and a plan by which he can reach it. Taking God's will into account, make a goal and make a plan to reach it within a year's time. Planning is the first step to winning!

Diligence means working your plan carefully. Haphazard efforts rarely bring success or personal satisfaction into our lives.

Diligence also means perseverance. Any goal which is worthwhile will cost you something to achieve it. That's life; it even costs God something to achieve His plans. Don't give up too quickly; give your plan a chance to work!

It is noteworthy that this text does not promise success to the righteous or to those who are evil, but to the diligent. That is why those who are righteous must be ever vigilant and diligent or else evil will rule!


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