Friday, January 19, 2007


"Learn not the way of nations, nor be dismayed at the signs of the heavens because the nations are dismayed at them, for the customs of the peoples are false" (Jeremiah 10:2).

There is a huge amount of anxiety in our culture about global warming, so much so that there are people who are ready to "cash in" their God-given rights to stop it. It appears that there is consensus in the scientific community that global warming is a reality and if we do not do something about it, humanity will become extinct--if not all life. To me it is interesting that believers in macro evolution, that life formed from inert matter, would have this much anxiety about "global warming" at all. After all, humanity is the problem. If it became extinct some life form would adapt and evolve and start the whole process over again--maybe in a better way.

Of course, any time a group of scientists get together with a political agenda, their consensus becomes junk science. It was the scientific consensus that there would be many hurricanes during the last season. There was not. If the scientists cannot accurately forcast a hurricane season 6 months ahead of time, why should we believe that they can forcast what would happen if global warming really is a reality? I have a suspicion that one simply needs to look at the "money trail" and political agendas to get to the bottom of the "scientific consensus" on global warming.

The signs in the heavens could well be a sign of the times. The Hebrews understood that there were 3 heavens: the atmosphere was the first heaven; where the sun, moon and stars are constituted the second heaven and the place where God resides constituted the third. Global warming qualifies as a sign in the heavens because it is in the atmosphere. One of the qualities of a corrupt generation is when its fears come from the imaginations of its heart. Trust and obey the Lord. It's gonna be OK.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Post.